Quick Guide to Types of Business PBX Systems

Quick Guide to Types of Business PBX Systems

We Have Your Business PBX Covered

Business PBX systems have evolved significantly over the years. With the roll-out of NBN and other broadband infrastructure, traditional PBX systems are being upgraded or replaced to accommodate IP telephony and SIP trunks, the new age telephone lines.

There are essentially three types of business PBX systems used by SME businesses:

On-Premise Business PBX System

On-premise systems include Key Systems, PBX and Hybrid Systems, all of which have one thing in common, they need to be installed and maintained at the business premises. They also usually require separate telephone wiring and need to be maintained by a qualified PBX technician.

On-premise phone systems have traditionally used PSTN lines (copper telephone lines) and ISDN lines (digital telephone lines) to provide access to the telephone network. In recent times, new PBX systems were manufactured to allow for a variety of access technologies including SIP Trunks. In many cases it requires an add-on IP card to be purchased and installed.

IP-PBX Systems

IP PBX systems use internet protocol to deliver PBX functionality. They can either be physical hardware which would sit in the business’ data cabinet, or as a software that would be installed on a server. In both cases, it requires the purchase of the hardware or the software, and ongoing maintenance costs by a qualified technician. IP PBXs use SIP Trunks (Business VoIP) to provide access to the telephone network.

Hosted PBX

Hosted PBX systems provide telephone system functionality via an existing broadband service. As opposed to other types of PBX systems, there is no physical PBX hardware or software installed at the business premises. The PBX functionality is delivered and managed from a secure data centre and accessed entirely via a broadband service. And that means there is no need to buy or install PBX equipment or software.

Hosted PBX delivers features and functions unmatched by on-premise phone systems. It's the replacement technology where SIP trunks are used instead of traditional telephone lines, and IP phones replace the PBX handsets. Pre-configured IP phones simply plug into an existing broadband connection and utilise the internet service to deliver an enterprise grade PBX service.

To find out more about which type of business PBX system is best suited to your requirements, please contact one of our Business Consultants on 1300 000 300 or CLICK HERE to make an online enquiry.